The core principle on which we form our practice is:


"Your health is NUMBER 1- invest in it"


CORNERSTONE is an accreditation programme specifically designed by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners for general practices in New Zealand.

Accreditation is a self assessment and external peer review process used by health care organisations to accurately assess their level of performance in relation to established standards and to implement ways to continuously improve the health care system.

CORNERSTONE is a combined quality improvement and quality assurance process which allows a practice to measure themselves against a defined set of standards titled Aiming for Excellence - standard for New Zealand general practice.

Aiming for Excellence contains a range of indicators and criteria that describe minimum legal and safety standards and covers other significant areas of risk, as defined by the College.

CORNERSTONE assessors are peers who undertake an external assessment of the general practice. 

Health & Disability Auditing New Zealand Limited (HDANZ) endorses the CORNERSTONE General Practice Accreditation Programme. They are a Designated Audit Agency and accredited as in independent certifying body.

Courtesy of The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners website